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Chestnut Tree Class


Welcome to Chestnut Tree Class!


A warm welcome to parents and children from

Chestnut Tree Class!

Thank you for visiting our class page.

Here you will find lots of information about the fun and exciting things we are learning about. And as we are always very busy, please do visit our page often to see all of our wonderful and exciting adventures.


Numbers Day


Miss Kermani led a fantastic assembly to introduce us to NSPCs Number Day. We spent some time playing number games and had lots of fun solving Buddy's Challenge. 

Child Mental Health Week

This week we learned about taking care of our mental wellbeing. We learned about how we can understand who we our as a person to enable us to 'Know ourself and grow ourself!'

No Pens Day!

This Wednesday we had a whole day where we couldn't use pens. We really enjoyed doing our lessons on laptops and making fantastic dreamcatchers in our Adventure Learning lesson. 


We have been learning all about forgiveness and sin during our RE lessons. This week we had fantastic discussions while learning about TEMPTATION! We learned about how Jesus was tempted in the desert and then we were given different situations and decided whether or not we would be tempted!

Pyjama Day!

It was so lovely to stay cosy all day in our pyjamas! We enjoyed stories and a little sleep!!


In Science we are learning all about MATERIALS. We had lots of fun experimenting to decide which material is the best for the bounciest ball. We then discussed why some materials are better to use than others for a particular sport!



In our Art Lessons, we have been learning all about sculptures. We researched the artist Rachel Whiteread and used our learning from history to create our own castle tiles.

The Sound Collector


We had a lot of fun performing a fantastic poem called The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We used gestures and instruments to perform the poem expressively and then wrote our own versions of he poem.


In Maths we are learning about Place Value. This week we were partitioning numbers. First we built it, then we drew it, then we wrote and finally we said it. We loved learning about representing numbers in different ways using tens and ones!

In computing this week, we talked about how we need to stay safe online. We then learned how to log on to our laptops and as we had been following the golden rules we earned golden time to explore some fun educational games!

As the seasons change, we had lots of fun looking for seeds ready to plant in the spring. Mrs Saiz taught us about the different types of seeds and what they all produce. We then went on a hunt around our school garden to find seeds that produce different types of fruits , flowers and vegetables.

In Geography we are learning all about Continents and Oceans so we were so excited to make our own map to show where all the worlds continents and oceans are in relation to one another during a fun lesson in Adventure learning. Mr Dames was very impressed that we knew so much about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres!

Our First Week!


We read a fantastic book by our author of the term called 'Hide and Seek'. Then we went to the playground to play the game ourselves. Back in the classroom we learned all about the past tense and how to use our senses to describe so that we could write a recount of our amazing experience! What a fun way to learn in our English lessons!

*Chestnut Tree Class


It was so lovely to celebrate the end of our time together with our Leavers Party. The children (and teachers!) had an amazing time showing off all our dance moves! 

This week we celebrated ONE WORLD WEEK! Our class country was France. We  learned to sing Frere Jaque and also heads , shoulders , knees and toes in French. We learned all about France and after dancing the CAN CAN we had an amazing time eating French food at Cafe de Chesnut!! 

Sports Day


We had an amazing time at Willesden Sports Centre showing off all the skills we have been learning over the year with Coach Taggart! Not only did we demonstrate our physical strengths but we also showed excellent sportsmanship and out great ability to work as a team! Welldone Chestnut Tree Class!

Our May Procession

                             Chestnut Tree Class 2022- 2023