Convent of Jesus and Mary Catholic Infant School & Nursery
Strategic School Improvement Priorities 2023/24
The Quality of Education
- Continue the cycle of robust curriculum monitoring to ensure strength in delivery and outcomes.
- To have a whole school focus on improving writing.
- Ensure the Foundation Curriculum is well embedded, and continue to develop DT, Music and Computing.
- To further embed strategies focusing on recap, recall and independent deeper learning.
- Continue to adapt the organisation, provision, progress and monitoring of pupils with SEND and other identified vulnerable groups including those who are disadvantaged, and Pupils Premium.
- Continue to adapt the organisation, provision, progress and monitoring of pupils with EAL in order to further improve outcomes
Behaviour and Attitudes
- Continue to improve the attendance of disadvantaged pupils and those of non-statutory age
Personal Development & SMSC
- To further embed Pupil Voice
- Continue to expand the cultural capital and enrichment opportunities for all pupils in order to enhance their outcomes
Leadership and Management
- Continue to further develop high quality efficient leadership at all levels in order to effectively support outcomes and the quality of education across the school.
- To strengthen the Leadership Team across the Federation to secure capacity and expertise.
- To address staff workload and further develop strategies to promote staff and pupils’ wellbeing.
- To secure succession planning, share expertise and learn from other local schools
Early Years
- To support the newly appointed EYFS Leader in ensuring the EYFS continues to be a strength of the school.