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Federation Children's Fund



We are delighted to be writing to you and re-introducing the ‘Governors Fund’ to you.  Before the pandemic both the Little Convent and St Mary Magdalen’s were well supported by the parent community through various fundraising initiatives as well as the ‘Governor’s Fund’. In more recent years due to the financial challenges so many of us had to face post pandemic we continued to raise funds through PTA events but stopped requesting contributions to the ‘Governor’s Fund’.


In face of growing challenges brought about by the rising cost of living, diminishing school budgets, and restricted access to small grants, it has become increasingly harder for us to maintain the upkeep of both our buildings as well as resource them with high quality, innovative, and engaging learning tools which would enhance personalised learning and reinforce effective teaching. Notwithstanding, at the heart of our mission continues to be our unequivocal commitment to provide high quality Catholic Education and enriching learning opportunities to all children in our care. Thus, both schools are now, more than ever, in need of your support.


We are proud of the strong professional relationships we have built with parents and carers and we recognise the unique character of our Federation community and the invaluable contributions they make toward the enrichment of our curriculum and the academic success of our pupils. We are therefore launching the Federation Children's Fund which will centralise fundraising for both our schools and will inevitably ensure we are investing into the schools.


With this is mind we would like you to consider a gift to the schools at a level that suits you. This Fund will be used to support the modernisation and upkeep of the buildings as well as continue to provide our children with high quality learning resources. Your gift alongside those of other parents/carers as well as members of the wider community will make a significant difference to us and the future of our children. We are exceptionally proud of the progress that has been made across both the Little Convent and St Mary Magdalen’s. As you are aware, OFSTED has recently inspected both schools and the outcomes are an extremely positive affirmation of the impact of significant changes that have taken place over the last few of years. OFSTED have reported:


Pupils at St Mary Magdalen’s live by the ethos of the school’


‘Pupils achieve well here’


‘Pupils’ behaviour, both inside and outside of lessons, is a strength of the school.’


‘Teaching supports pupils’ learning by using strategies that help them to grasp ideas and recall them readily’


‘The school provides carefully planned support for pupils with SEND’


 ‘Pupils at Convent of Jesus and Mary Catholic Infant School & Nursery thrive in an atmosphere of happiness and positivity’

‘Pupils talk confidently about what they are learning and take pride in all of their work’


‘Pupils exhibit exemplary behaviour, underscoring the importance of fairness and respect’


‘Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the provision on offer and the support that they and their children receive’


Whilst we celebrate the external validation of our efforts, we are also driven to continue to bring about further enhancements to our overall provision. Our entire staff team work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcomes for every child who we are fortunate to welcome to our schools. We will continue to strive for the best in everything that we do, driven by our unequivocal commitment to provide high quality Catholic Education and enriching learning opportunities to all the children in our care.


As two relatively small schools, we are significantly impacted by increases in the operational costs. We have made significant cuts to ensure we live within our means, whilst protecting our pupil facing services and our staff go above and beyond every day to ensure the highest of standards are delivered. As we journey into the future we need your support more than ever. As we launch several creative and innovative approaches to increase our income such as opening a new pre-nursery for the academic year 2024-2025, increasing the hire of our facilities for events and activities, as well as developing other income-generating activities.


We hope that all of you will engage on some level – every penny that you contribute is immensely appreciated and will be utilised to support our wonderful schools. We are exceptionally grateful to our Parent Teachers Associations for the wonderful work that they do. If you are yet to engage, please do get in touch with the team.

Consider a Monthly Gift

Your Pledge Annually






The above grid is an illustration of how you can support the Federation; however, we will be grateful for donations that suit you and your family. We would be immensely grateful if you donate through the GIFT AID scheme, so as to ensure the Federation is able to claim 25% on top of your donation at no extra cost to you. Higher and additional rate taxpayers will also benefit from income tax relief when donating through GIFT AID. In order to complete your payment please go to SCOPAY Account.




This Fund will run alongside the incredible work both PTA Teams carry out in support of the schools. Therefore, Christmas and Summer Fairs continue to be essential as well as cake sales, Bounce Back to School, the Easter Parade, the Fun Run, and International Week, etc.


We will always endeavour to keep our mission, our ethos and our values as our steady driving force. Strengthening partnerships with all stakeholders, extend our call to serve by actively supporting our school community to ensure our Federation remains true to its roots.


Thank you in advance for all your support and for entrusting us with your greatest resource, your children. Together we can ensure that they are set up with the best possible start in life.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mr R Allan, Chair of Governors
