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Home Learning Lockdown

Homework advice from the DfE

Government guidelines on homework give a broad indication of the type of activities and how much time pupils might reasonably be expected to spend on homework.

For infants the guidelines are:

  • Years one and two - 1 hour per week
  • However, the guidelines emphasise that it is more important that homework is of high quality and helps your child to learn than the amount of time they spend on it in a week. 
  • The guidelines encourage schools to plan homework carefully alongside the work children do at school, and to make sure that all activities are appropriate for individual pupils.
  • Schools are expected to organise homework carefully.
  • All homework activities should be related to work pupils are doing in class.  
  • Homework should not always be written work – It should also be project work. 
  • In infant schools’ pupils should be reading with parents or carers, they should practice mathematical skills, phonics, spellings and handwriting, project work, making and finding out information. 
  • Parents should support their children with homework, however, there may be times when children should be encouraged to show what they can do on their own. 

DfE (Department for Education)


Welcome to our Home Learning Page

The Home Learning will be set within PUPILS in the following pages:

  • Nursery Homelearning
  • Reception Homelearning
  • Year 1 Homelearning
  • Year 2 Homelearning


In these pages you will find weblinks to visit and explore and a wide range of activities to be completed at home, as well as the support and guidance you may require.

Evidence of Home Learning

during the COVID19

isolation period

From 23rd March 2020 we have been at home working, learning, having fun and keeping safe. Here is some of the great work our pupils have been doing at home. If you would like to see your home learning here on this page please emails pictures of your work to:

