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Curriculum Overview

"The goal is to draw out the potential in each person to the full, in a community which recognises the centrality of Christ as our guide and inspiration." 

Red Book, 2010:5


  • At the Convent of Jesus and Mary Catholic Infant School & Nursery we endeavour to nurture everyone’s intellectual, physical, spiritual, moral, social and emotional development so that we can all grow, flourish and become the people God wants us to be.


  • The school community is characterised by wide-ranging socio-economic backgrounds. Therefore, our mission is to deliver a curriculum that promotes the dignity, self-esteem and the progress of each child.


  • We offer a child focused purposeful, high quality curriculum that allows breadth and depth of learning for all. It is a rich, broad and balanced curriculum well matched to their age, their interests, and abilities but also well connected to their environment, providing a wealth of opportunities to explore, interact, work and learn outdoors in our delightful garden.


  • Our community is ethnically and culturally diverse enriched by a wealth of different languages therefore our curriculum ensures English is the thread that weaves through our learning journey and guarantees an inclusive and language rich offer for all including those who have special educational needs, disabilities or indeed the most disadvantaged.


  • Our school community is concerned about the environment. Our pupils live in urban London with many unable to access the enriching experiences the outdoors can provide. Therefore, our curriculum aims to ensure our pupils understand the impact of our way of life in the world we live in.


  • In the pursuit of excellence, the British values are deeply embedded within our curriculum framework which aims to encourage our pupils to develop an understanding of the world around them and beyond.


  • Our curriculum celebrates the culturally diverse community we serve and draws on their wealth of talent, skills and knowledge. Parents are encouraged to work with the school to share their professional expertise as well as their experiences in the wider world as we make every effort to inspire our pupils to develop a sense of awe and wonder.




  • We have designed a curriculum that is exciting, meaningful and fulfils the requirements of the core subjects of the National Curriculum. As a Catholic school, Religious Education and the values of the Gospel remains at the core of everything we do.


  • We undertake to create opportunities to link the curriculum across subjects. To teach our pupils through topics that capture a range of subject perspectives.
  • Our curriculum is intrinsically linked to the school’s beautiful garden, our concern with the local and global environments and our responsibility to ensure our pupils and the school community understand that we are being called to raise awareness and take action towards healing our world.


  • We are proud of the strong professional relationships we have built with parents and carers and we recognise the unique character of our school community and the invaluable contributions they make toward the enrichment of our curriculum and the academic success of our pupils.  


  • Our staff have the knowledge, expertise and practical skills to implement our curriculum. They are committed to a collaborative and dynamic approach to teaching and learning.


  • Keeping our mission, our ethos and our values as our steady driving force. Strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders. Extend our call to serve by actively support our wider community to ensure our ‘Little Convent’ remains true to its roots.



  • As part of our learning journey we will always aim to be evaluative and review our practice. At the Convent of Jesus and Mary Catholic Infant School & Nursery we have a robust monitoring cycle that supports our school evaluation process.


To form effective judgements the school team uses strategies such as:

  • Pupil progress meeting (PITA- Point in Time Assessment)
  • Deep Dives
  • EYFS % of pupils achieving a ‘Good level of development’ (GLD);
  • Year 1 Phonics Screening Test;
  • End of KS1 SATs/Teacher Assessment.


  • We believe the real impact of our curriculum comes through in the strength of character and determination of our pupils. Their love for learning and curiosity to take chances and know more, and their deep sense of responsibility for themselves, others and the world around them.





